When you have a problem with your computer, you contact tech support. In smaller companies with no IT department, you might walk over to the geekiest guy working there and hope for the best. In a larger firm, it might be a quick phone call to the IT support department or help desk. Not having remote IT support services can lead to decreased efficiency and lost productivity. If your company has never considered such services for your business, here are five benefits to remote IT support that will change your thinking.
- Efficient problem-solving
Remote tech support makes problem-solving a breeze. Your vendor already has access to your computers. They can log in and swiftly assess and deal with any tech issues without having to come on-site. This means they can get to your problem quickly, whether you are available to wait with them or not.
- Reduced in-house costs
In-house IT support can be an expensive proposition, but pursuing a remote tech support option optimizes your budget allocation for IT. Trust the expertise of a vendor; you will have all the benefits of an entire IT department.
- Simplified phone calls
To solve a tech problem, one of the most common challenges is often communicating the problem in the first place. This is particularly true when you are not tech-savvy. Remote tech support removes this difficulty by allowing the IT support team to enter the system remotely to identify and tackle the problem themselves.
- Easy WFH support
These days, companies are adopting more liberal work-from-home policies. But unfortunately, tech support issues do not simply dry up while the employee is out of the office. Remote IT support can provide these remote employees the support they need on their work computer; no matter where they are, and without requiring an IT professional to come knocking on their front door.
- Focus on what you do best
You entered your field of work because you are passionate about the industry and the value your company provides. By contracting for remote tech support, you leave the IT problems in your vendor’s capable hands, and, more importantly, take them out of yours. This allows you to focus on doing what you do best while trusting your vendor to do the same.
There you have it. If your small business has shied away from remote work, it is time to reconsider your position. For remote IT support services and small business IT support, call QuickTech on 1300 016 017.