We are living in a digital world, where digital offers better performance and convenience. Today’s world has stepped into a digital world and our viewing experience has digitised along with the world. From the old-time box TV, we have evolved to the modern 3D TV. However, one thing that we often forget still exists is the TV antenna, and its necessity in today’s digital age.
During your TV antenna installation, there are few steps to keep in mind; which depends upon the type of aerial you’re using. The ideal location for your antenna might not be near your TV, but instead on the roof or your garage. Here are some of the best practices to follow during an antenna installation:
1) Overhead Wires Can Be Deadly!
While climbing the roof may be a concern, overhead wires are far more dangerous. Cable TV lines carry enormous amounts of power. Make sure not to accidentally touch one of them with your body, or a conductive object as there is a likely chance that you might get electrocuted and possibly die.
2) Re-scan For Channels
Broadcasters consistently add channels to their line-ups, we would like to make sure you are not missing out on all the available free TV! It is always an excellent idea to re-scan for channels periodically throughout the year. This can become necessary; especially when the weather changes.
3) Keep Antenna Away From Metal
Remember that metallic surfaces, nearby to your antenna, might be the cause of interference with the digital signals, and may even block your reception. Trying to keep the largest distance as practical from metal objects, which are 6 feet or greater, is ideal.
4) Add an aerial amplifier
We advise you to add an aerial amplifier or signal booster to your TV antenna system. This will help you if you are experiencing signal loss due to long coaxial cabling, or the splitting of signals to multiple TVs. Remember to choose a TV antenna with built-in amplifiers, or a stand-alone amplifier, to join together with your outdoor antenna. But don’t use one if you don’t need to; as if it is used incorrectly. it won’t only boost the signal. In addition, it will also amplify electric noise and interference. If used correctly, it can enhance your TV experience.
5) Power Lines
Note any overhead power lines or wires close to the site to safely navigate them later. Power lines are generally dangerous; if your antenna comes in touch with them there’s a risk of electrocution. If for some reason the antenna gets stuck or tangled up in one, don’t retrieve it, but call a professional immediately. Ideally, your TV antenna should be installed at a distance of a minimum of double the combined length of the mast and antenna and far away from any power lines.
Once your channel scan is finished, your TV should be able to go. If your stations aren’t working, retrace your steps. If you are still unable to figure out the problem, give us a call on 1300 016 017 for TV aerial installations and repair service.