Mobile Device Support
Having troubles with your mobile phone or tablet? Does your battery die all of a sudden?
Does it use too much data to download?
Well, you need not worry anymore!
Call us on 1300 016 017 and we will help optimise your device!
Services Offered
Your mobile device just cannot support the latest update? Well, we’re here to identify the issue.
You can't access Google Play through the app? Wondering what’s the problem? Well, leave it us! We’ll troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
During the life cycle of a mobile device, there are undoubtedly going to be issues such as deteriorating battery life and slow performance. Well, we’ll ensure that your device is functioning optimally!
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Our highly trained engineers are here to resolve all your technical issues
Overwhelmed with tech problems? QuickTech are here to help! Our expert technicians will quickly assess and provide reliable remote or on-site solutions for all your tech problems; ensuring connectivity, efficiency, quality and peace of mind.
Customer Reviews
In this digital era and technologically advanced world, mobile optimization is paramount to assist you in targeting a wider audience. As far as mobile optimization is concerned, there are three major aspects to look at:
- A mobile-optimized website is said to be the most advanced type of web design; because, itallows your website to reformat itself on various devices.
- Mobile-friendly website design isn’t as advanced, but this web design remains compatible on various devices.
- Responsive web design is an ever-evolving web development known for its flexibility.
With ever-evolving technologies, and the constant launching of mobile devices, it’s crucial to make sure that your website is mobile-optimized, attractive, and responsive. For more details, please contact us.
Battery life is the single most important aspect of the mobile user experience. A device without power offers no functionality. Several factors contribute to poor battery life on your Android phone. Apps with optimization turned off may still impact battery life.
So, place the apps in Standby mode as it will enable you to optimize apps and save battery life on a mobile. Thinner bodies, brighter screens, quicker processors, added background software, all use substantial battery life. Having faster internet connections also takes a toll on phone batteries, which is why battery cases and portable batteries have grown in popularity.
For more information, please contact us.
It seems as if people forget that the things they currently have don’t need to be replaced by new things if broken; they can be fixed. Remember that repairing old phones saves money; as new phones tend to be quite expensive. Most companies sell their phones with a warranty. If you’ve got a phone with a current warranty, it can be repaired free of charge.
Also, an affordable screen repair can extend your device’s life by several months (or even years, in some cases). Repairing a tool, rather than replacing it, means you’ll be ready to go on enjoying your current smartphone while newer tech is being developed and released.
In case you need more information on the matter, please contact us.
Samsung’s phones are powerful, but no phone will perfectly perform in all situations. Try connecting your Samsung phone to a power supply and charging the battery. If charging the battery doesn’t work, the problem could also be with the battery.
If you’re experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues on your Samsung Galaxy device, your first option is to power cycle the phone. This can be done by holding the power button for 10 seconds and letting the device power down. In case there is a camera problem or a camera failed error- just remove the battery, wait 10 seconds, re-install, and power on.
If you’ve got any longer problems, please contact us.
In case your laptop screen is not displaying any image, some troubleshooting ways might assist you to resolve the issue. In technical terms, we call this problem a ‘No Display Problem’. To troubleshoot the matter on a user’s end, you have four different methods-
- Display Checkup
- BIOS Checkup
- RAM Checkup
Finally, press the “Fn” key and then the key with the monitor symbol a few of your time to ascertain if a picture appears on the external monitor. If no image appears on the monitor, either the video card or motherboard in the laptop is probably defective.
For further details or consultation, please contact us.