Owning a sleek, wall-mounted TV provides hours of entertainment and fun. There often comes a time, though, when the hard work of getting your set-up just right needs to be packed up and moved to a new home.
Relocating a TV, however, should not be a rush job; it must be carefully completed so that your television survives the TV setup and relocation safely and soundly.
1) Hire Packers and Movers
Shifting a home is not an easy thing to do; even if you live all by yourself. Ideally, the first thing to do is to source and secure the services of a reputable packers and movers company.
2) IR Repeater (Infrared Repeater)
IR is the de facto standard when it comes to home theatre control. To effectively relay the IR signals, you may need to spend some extra time on the set up. IR repeaters only require 3 conductors which are ground, +12, and signal. Other than the wire itself, you would need a minimum of four pieces of hardware to relay IR; the receiver, an emitter, a connecting block, and an influence supply.
3) Learn About the Charges
Well, there are relocation charges here but that depends on many factors like for example whether you are relocating in the same premise or a new one, the number of set boxes you have for relocation and then do you want to relocate with the kit or without the kit etc.
The cost of moving depends on how far you are moving, how many boxes are necessary, and whether you are taking everything with you; all your TV equipment, entertainment systems etc.
4) Keep All Accessories Together
It’s a great idea to store all the leads and accessories connected with your TV safely in a separate box. It is worth taking the time to carefully roll the leads so that they are easy to locate and use at your new place. Close the box and label it as “TV cables” so that you find them in one place and get your TV assembled back as quickly as possible.
5) Clean The TV
Dirt and dust particles can scratch the screen or damage the interior electronics of your TV during the relocation, so you’re strongly advised to carefully clean the unit before packing it for moving. Use a screen cleaner for the cover and clean down the TV casing with a microfiber cloth.
6) Setting Up at New Place
You might need to take time to test the best viewing position in your new space. Therefore, don’t spend time concealing wires and cables until you’re happy with the TV location and make sure that you pay attention to the position of your TV concerning the windows.
Knowing the right steps makes the moving experience much easier. The relocation of your set-top box TV is also easier when you are well prepared. Make sure you contact any technicians and your service provider with plenty of time to get your service up and running as quickly as possible.
Call us on 1300 016 017.