The Ultimate Guide to Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows and MAC

Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows and macOS – two main computer platforms where all work is done. To learn the shortcuts when using these platforms and the software means completing work faster and more efficiently. Almost all software and platforms, like Windows, has. Many of us may already be aware of these shortcuts. 

The biggest advantage of memorizing shortcuts is that it comes very handy in work. Time can be saved and productivity increased. Below are some of the simple and common shortcuts for all to memorize.

For Windows 

Windows + EOpens File Explorer
Windows + LLocks the screen 
Windows + A Opens the Action Center
Windows + G (On Windows 10)Opens the Xbox Game Bar while playing a video game
Windows + KOpens the Bluetooth Connectivity for devices
Windows + Left (or Right) arrow Snap an app to the left or right side of the screen
Ctrl + CCopy something 
Ctrl + VPaste something
Ctrl + ZUndo an action
Ctrl + XCut something
Windows + I Open settings
Windows + Spacebar Check the language and keyboard options
Windows + DHides all open Windows and take us to Desktop screen
Windows + M Minimizes all open apps or windows 
Windows + Up keyMaximizes all open apps or windows 
Windows + Down keyMinimizes all open apps or windows 
Ctrl + Esc + ShiftOpens task manager where we can stop a running software or a stuck software (Force Close)
Windows + 0Opened Windows Sticky Notes
Windows + PrtScrTakes the picture of an entire screen 
Ctrl + ASelects Everything on an app or window


Windows + S Opens Cortana
Windows + COpens Cortana in listening mode
Windows + ROpen Run 
Windows + TMoves the focus to icons on the taskbar
Ctrl + Shift + NMakes a new folder in File Explorer
Windows + . or ;Brings up the emoji Box
Shift + any arrow keySelecting text within a document
Ctrl + Shift + any arrow keySelecting a block of text within the document
Ctrl + F or F3Opening Find box
Ctrl + BMaking a selected text, bold


Ctrl + Shift + TOpen a tab closed just now by accident
Ctrl + HOpen History
Ctrl + WClose a Window


Ctrl + I Italicize Text
Ctrl + UUnderline text
Ctrl + SSave a document
F1Opening help Window 
F2The selected object can be renamed in File Explorer
F3Opens Find
F4Shows the address bar in File Explorer
F5Refresh the page
F6Moves to a different element on the Window
Alt or Ctrl + PrtScrScreenshot the Window
Alt + Tab Shows all the open applications for quick switching
Shift + Delete Permanently delete something 
Alt + Enter Review properties of a file or folder
Ctrl + YRedo an action
Ctrl + HomeCursor moves to the beginning of the document 
Ctrl + EndThe cursor moves to the end of the document 
Ctrl + PPrint a document
Ctrl + NCreate a new document
Ctrl + OOpen an existing document
Ctrl + TOpen a new Tab


For macOS


Command + CCopy to clipboard
Command + VPastes the content from the clipboard 
Command + Shift + VPastes the content without formatting
Command + XCuts to clipboard 
Command + A Selects all content on Page 
Command + BMakes the selected text bold
Command + U Underlines the text
Command + IItalicize the selected text 
Option + DeleteDeletes the selected to the left of the cursor 
Fn + DeleteDeletes forward 
Control + KDeletes the text between cursor and end of para
Command + KAdd a hyperlink to selected text
Command + Control + Space barThe character window is opened 
Command + FFind a word in the entire document
Command + ; Finding misspelled words in the document
Command + Control + DHighlighted word’s definition is displayed 
Command + Shift + : Spelling and Grammar window is opened
Command + ZUndo the previous action
Command + Shift + ZRedo the previously undone action
Fn + Left or Right Arrow Jump to the beginning or end of the document 


Command + Up or Down arrow The cursor moves to the beginning or end of the document 
Command + Left or right arrowThe cursor moves to begin or end of the line. 
Command + SSave a document 
Command + PPrint a document
Command + OOpen a document 
Command + N Open a new window 
Command + WCloses a current window 
Command + TOpen a new tab
Command + Shift + WCloses all the windows 
Command + MMinimizes the window 
Command + Shift + NNew folder created in Finder
Command + Shift + DOpens desktop folder in finder 
Command + Shift + ODocument folder is opened in finder 
Command + Shift + GGo to Folder window opened in finder 
Command + Shift + HThe user’s home folder is opened in the finder 
Command + Shift + FOpens all Files 
Command + Option + LThe download folder is opened in the finder 
Command + Shift + ? Opens the help window of the currently using app
Option + shift + volume keys Increase and decrease the volume 
Command + Shift + 3 or 4 Full and partial screenshot of the window 

There may be many other shortcuts, but the above mentioned are the most common. Try to memorize them and enjoy a faster working capability 

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